

  Financial Market Simulation

  Alexander Federyakov aka Da Stranger

Unit Description
asCommonInterfaces Application specific interfaces.
asDemoScenario Application specific demo scenario.
asMisc Application script editor.
asScriptEditor Application script editor.
asScriptingUtils Application scripting utilities.
asTypesAndConstants Application specific constants.
asWatchListEditor Application Watch List Editor.
FMSCommonClasses FMS Common Classes. This unit can be used by any FMS unit. It cannot contain references to other core FMS units.
FMSCommonInterfaces FMS common interfaces. It contains only interfaces and common types. It will be used to create an import unit for a DLLs.
FMSEventDrivenWorld FMS Event Driven World. All classes in this unit generate events that user can handle as he wishes in his code.
FMSProject Project definition file.
FMSSimulatedActivityClasses FMS Simulated Activity Classes. Implements classes that simulate real participants in a very primitive way. Current implementation includes TFMSSimulatedActivityCompanyRole and News Generator.
FMSStandardRoles FMS Standard Roles. Implements some standard roles and classe that can be used to simulate share market.
FMSStatistics FMS Statistics. This unit cannot be used by any core FMS unit. It is supposed to be sort of a layer on top of FMS Engine. But ***non-core*** units may reference this one freely.
FMSTimeEventsManager FMS Time Events Manager.
FMSTraderStrategies FMS Traders. Implements various types of traders.
FMSTypesAndConstants FMS Types and constants.
FMSUtils FMS Utilitiess.
FMSWorld FMS World. This is the core unit of FMS. It describes the world, its abstract participants, time and classificators.
uArrayAnalizerForm Application Array Analizer Form.
uMainForm Application Main Form.
uOptionsForm Application Options Form.
uProgressForm Application Progress Form.
uPropertyEditorForm Application Property Editor Form.
uScenarioEditorForm Application Simulation Control Form.
uScriptLogForm Application Script Log Form.
uSimulationControlForm Application Simulation Control Form.
uWatchListForm Application Watch List Form.


Copyright Alexander Federyakov aka Da Stranger
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