

  FMS common interfaces. It contains only interfaces and common types. It will be used to create an import unit for a DLLs.

Type Description
TFMSGenerateClassificatorNewsEvent (+)  
TFMSGenerateRoleNewsEvent (+)  

Class Description
IFMSAutoGenerateNewsCommonParams (+) Common parameters to generate Classificator news.
IFMSAutoGenerateNewsForClassificatorParams (+) Parameters to generate news for all Classificators.
IFMSAutoGenerateNewsForRoleParams (+) Parameters to generate Role news for all roles. Nothing here ATM.
IFMSClassificator (+) A means to divide different market participants into groups.
IFMSClassificatorNewsGenerationHandler (+) Standard interface to generate classificator news.
IFMSClassificatorType (+) A means to divide different market participants into groups.
IFMSCompanyFinancialStatsCollection (+) Standard interface to get access to FMSCompanyFinancialStatsCollection.
IFMSParticipantRole (+) A interface that is similar to Participant.
IFMSParticipantRoleNewsGenerationHandler (+) Standard interface to generate participant role news.
IFMSRtStdEventDrivenWorld (+) Standard interface to get access to FMS Real Time World. Only a few options are supported ATM.
IFMSShareTransactionsOverallStats (+) Standard interface to get access to ShareTransactionsOverallStats.
IFMSUniqueNamed (+) Each object in colection has a unique name.
IFMSUpdateAble (+) This can be any object that needs periodic updates.
IFMSUpdateAbleCollectionItem (+) Object that can be updated each step.
IFMSUtils (+) Standard interface to get access to a set of standard FMS Utlities.
IFMSWorld (+) Standard interface to get access to FMS World. Only a few options are supported ATM.
IFMSWorldTime (+) Standard interface to get access to FMS Time.

Symbol Visibility
- Private
# Protected
+ Public
* Published
A Automated
S Strict


Copyright Alexander Federyakov aka Da Stranger
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