

  FMS World. This is the core unit of FMS. It describes the world, its abstract participants, time and classificators.

Type Description
TFMSParticipantRoleEvent (+)  
TFMSWorldEvent (+)  

Method Description
NewsItemsSortByDateProcedure (+)  

Class Description
TFMSClassificator (+) A means to divide different market participants into groups.
TFMSClassificatorLink (+) A link to a Classificator.
TFMSClassificatorLinks (+) Collection of TFMSClassificatorLink.
TFMSClassificatorList (+) List of TFMSClassificator.
TFMSClassificators (+) Collection of TFMSClassificator.
TFMSClassificatorType (+) A means to divide different market participants into groups.
TFMSClassificatorTypeList (+) List of TFMSClassificatorType.
TFMSClassificatorTypes (+) Collection of TFMSClassificatorType.
TFMSNewsItem (+) A standard news Item.
TFMSNewsItemList (+) List of TFMSNewsItems.
TFMSNewsItems (+) Collection of TFMSNewsItem. They are expected to be sorted, if used within TFMSWorld.
TFMSParticipant (+) An inhabitant of the virtual world, a company or a trader for example.
TFMSParticipantRole (+) A class that is similar to Participant.
TFMSParticipantRoleLink (+) A link to a Classificator.
TFMSParticipantRoleLinkList (+) List of TFMSParticipantRoleLink.
TFMSParticipantRoleLinks (+) Collection of TFMSParticipantRoleLink.
TFMSParticipantRoleList (+) List of TFMSParticipantRole.
TFMSParticipantRoles (+) Collection of TFMSParticipantRole.
TFMSParticipants (+) Collection of TFMSParticipant.
TFMSRealTimeWorld (+) A class that connects real time to virtual time.
TFMSThread (+) Standard FMS thread class.
TFMSThreadEx (+) A specific FMS thread class, that allows to fully optimize to 2 threads.
TFMSWorld (+) Controls time flow, main settings, classificators and news generation.
TFMSWorldOptions (+) Various options for World object, that are easier to store in a separate class. There are no options at this time.

Symbol Visibility
- Private
# Protected
+ Public
* Published
A Automated
S Strict


Copyright Alexander Federyakov aka Da Stranger
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