

  FMS Standard Roles. Implements some standard roles and classe that can be used to simulate share market.

Type Description
TFMSShareTransactionBrokerRequestEvent (+)  
TFMSShareTransactionRequestEvent (+)  
TFMSShareTransactionTraderRequestEvent (+)  

Method Description
TransactionRequestListSortProcedure (+)  

Class Description
TFMSBrokerAccount (+) An account of a broker on a share market side.
TFMSBrokerAccounts (+) Collection of TFMSBrokerAccount.
TFMSBrokerPlan (+) An abstract broker-specific plan.
TFMSBrokerRole (+) Acts as a link between a market and a trader.
TFMSBrokerRoleList (+) A list of TFMSBrokerRole.
TFMSBrokerStrategies (+) Collection of TFMSBrokerRole.
TFMSBrokerStrategy (+) An abstract broker-specific strategy.
TFMSCompanyPlan (+) An abstract company-specific plan.
TFMSCompanyRole (+) A role that represents a comercial company,
TFMSCompanyRoleList (+) A list of TFMSCompanyRole.
TFMSCompanyStrategies (+) A collection of TFMSCompanyStrategy.
TFMSCompanyStrategy (+) An abstract company-specific strategy.
TFMSConsumerRole (+) A participant may represent a consumer.
TFMSFamilyRole (+) A participant may represent a whole family.
TFMSMarketPlan (+) An abstract market-specific plan.
TFMSMarketRole (+) A regular share market.
TFMSMarketRoleList (+) A list of TFMSMarketRole.
TFMSMarketStrategies (+) Collection of TFMSMarketStrategy.
TFMSMarketStrategy (+) An abstract share market specific strategy.
TFMSMoneyAccount (+) An account that poseses a certain amount of money.
TFMSMoneyAccounts (+) Collection of TFMSMoneyAccount.
TFMSPeriodicCommisionPlan (+) A plan that requires to pay a certain amount periodically. [Not implemented yet.]
TFMSPlan (+) Abstract class that serves as an ancestor to other more complex plans.
TFMSPlanList (+) A list of TFMSPlan.
TFMSPlans (+) Collection of TFMSPlan.
TFMSRtStandardWorld (+) Knows about brokers, companies, markets and traders. Has utility lists that can store them inside the class.
TFMSSharePortfolio (+) Collection of TFMSSharePortfolioItem.
TFMSSharePortfolioItem (+) Stores information on to who belongs the given share type, and the amount of shares owned by this person.
TFMSSharePortfolioItemList (+)  
TFMSShareTransaction (+) Information about a transaction.
TFMSShareTransactionBrokerRequest (+) A broker-specific transaction request.
TFMSShareTransactionBrokerRequestList (+) A list of TFMSShareTransactionBrokerRequest.
TFMSShareTransactionBrokerRequests (+) Collection of TFMSShareTransactionBrokerRequest.
TFMSShareTransactionCommisionPlan (+) An abstract class that describes how brokers can charge trades for transaction requests. Also applies to markets charging brokers.
TFMSShareTransactionCommisionPlans (+) Collection of TFMSShareTransactionCommisionPlan.
TFMSShareTransactionList (+)  
TFMSShareTransactionRequest (+) A request to commit a transaction.
TFMSShareTransactionRequestList (+) A list of TFMSShareTransactionRequest.
TFMSShareTransactionRequests (+) Collection of TFMSShareTransactionRequest.
TFMSShareTransactions (+) Collection of TFMSShareTransaction.
TFMSShareTransactionTraderRequest (+) A trader-specific transaction request.
TFMSShareTransactionTraderRequestList (+) A list of TFMSShareTransactionTraderRequest.
TFMSShareTransactionTraderRequests (+) Collection of TFMSShareTransactionTraderRequest.
TFMSShareType (+) Describes a a share type. Stores information about all owners of it.
TFMSShareTypeAccount (+) An accout that stores information on the current market position of a selected ShareType. Also stores transaction requests and transaction history.
TFMSShareTypeAccountList (+) A list of TFMSShareTypeAccount
TFMSShareTypeAccounts (+) Collection of TFMSShareTypeAccount.
TFMSShareTypeList (+)  
TFMSShareTypes (+) Collection of TFMSShareType.
TFMSSimpleCommisionPlan (+) A plan that requires to pay a certain comission fee per deal.
TFMSStandardAccount (+) A class of an abstract account.
TFMSStandardAccounts (+) Collection of TFMSStandardAccount.
TFMSStandardBrokerStrategy (+) A broket strategy that just redirects all incomming requests to the market.
TFMSStandardParticipant (+) A wrapper around TFMSParticipant, that allows to cast itself to other roles.
TFMSStandardParticipantRole (+) An abstract class that serves as an ancestor to all other more complex roles.
TFMSStandardParticipantRoleList (+) A list of TFMSStandardParticipantRole.
TFMSStandardParticipantRoles (+) Collection of TFMSStandardParticipantRole.
TFMSStandardParticipants (+) Collection of TFMSStandardParticipant.
TFMSStrategies (+) Collection of TFMSStrategy.
TFMSStrategy (+) Abstract class that serves as an ancestor to all other participant-specific strategies.
TFMSTraderAccount (+) An account of a trader on his broker's side.
TFMSTraderAccounts (+) Collection of TFMSTraderAccount.
TFMSTraderPlan (+) An abstract trader-specific plan.
TFMSTraderPlanBuyIf (+) [Not implemented yet.]
TFMSTraderPlanBuyOnDate (+) [Not implemented yet.]
TFMSTraderPlanSellIf (+) [Not implemented yet.]
TFMSTraderPlanSellOnDate (+) [Not implemented yet.]
TFMSTraderRole (+) Represents a trader on a share market.
TFMSTraderRoleList (+) A list of TFMSTraderRole.
TFMSTraderStrategies (+) Collection of TFMSTraderStrategy.
TFMSTraderStrategy (+) A trader-specific strategy. Still an abstract class.
TFMSTransactionRequestAccount (+) An account that has a share portfolio and can send transaction requests.
TFMSTransactionRequestAccounts (+) Collection of TFMSTransactionRequestAccount.
TFMSWaitPlan (+) An abstract plan that allows its owner to a hault decision making for a certain period of time.

Symbol Visibility
- Private
# Protected
+ Public
* Published
A Automated
S Strict


Copyright Alexander Federyakov aka Da Stranger
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