FIMAS Class Tree Index Previous Next Name TWatchListForm Parent uWatchListForm Class Hierarchy TStrangeSimpleNotificationSenderForm,IStrangeCadenceAble,I_FMS_WatchListForm Visibility PUBLIC Members Fields Field Description asScriptEditorFrame (*) btAdd (*) btnLoad (*) btnSave (*) btnTogleScriptEditor (*) btRemove (*) btSetCaption (*) cbUpdatePeriod (*) ControlPanel (*) ControlPanelParent (*) FUpdateFrequency (-) FWatchListEditor (-) FWorld (-) lbUpdatePeriod (*) PageControl (*) plWatchListParent (*) Splitter1 (*) StrangeDragDropDestination1 (*) TabSheet1 (*) TabSheet2 (*) Methods Method Description asScriptEditorFramebtApplyScriptClick (*) asScriptEditorFramecbScriptFileListChange (*) asScriptEditorFrameCodeProposalExecute (*) asScriptEditorFrameSynEditChange (*) btAddClick (*) btnTogleScriptEditorClick (*) btRemoveClick (*) btSetCaptionClick (*) cbUpdatePeriodChange (*) ControlPanelParentResize (*) CreateInitialized (+) DoExecuteWatchListScript (#) DoExecuteWatchListScripts (#) DoOnSelectCell (-) DoUpdateAccordingToFrequency (#) DoUpdateFromCadencer (#) FormClose (*) FormCreate (*) FormDestroy (*) GetUpdateFrequency (-) GetWatchListEditor (-) InitializeScriptEngine (+) I_FMS_WatchListForm (#) I_FMS_WatchListForm (#) I_FMS_WatchListForm (#) I_FMS_WatchListForm (#) I_FMS_WatchListForm (#) LoadFromMemIniFile (+) Notification (+) SaveToMemIniFile (+) SelectLastScript (+) SetUpdateFrequency (-) SetWorld (-) StrangeDragDropDestination1Dropped (*) UpdatebtRemoveStatus (+) Properties Property Description UpdateFrequency (*) WatchListEditor (+) World (*) Legend Symbol Visibility - Private # Protected + Public * Published A Automated S Strict FIMAS Class Tree Index Previous Next Copyright Alexander Federyakov aka Da Stranger Created with DelphiCodeToDoc. To obtain the latest revision, please visit