FIMAS Class Tree Index Previous Next Name TMainForm Parent uMainForm Class Hierarchy TStrangeSimpleNotificationSenderForm,IStrangeCadenceAble,I_FMS_MainForm Visibility PUBLIC Members Fields Field Description About1 (*) ActionList (*) ArrangeAll1 (*) ArrayAnalyser1 (*) ASAP1 (*) Cascade1 (*) cbTimerSpeed (*) Close1 (*) Commands1 (*) Contents1 (*) ControlBar1 (*) Controls1 (*) ControlsPauseAction (*) ControlsStartAction (*) ControlsStopResetAction (*) ControlsTimerSpeedAction (*) ControlsTimerSpeedChangeAction (*) Editors1 (*) EditorsArrayAnalyserAction (*) EditorsPropertyEditorAction (*) EditorsScenarioEditorAction (*) EditorsScriptLogAction (*) EditorsSimulationControlAction (*) EditorsWatchListAction (*) Exit1 (*) FApplicationForm (-) FCadencer (-) FCompanyFinancialStats (-) FCurrentFileName (-) FFMSUtils (-) FGlobalSettingsMemIniFile (-) File1 (*) FileExitAction (*) FileNewAction (*) FileOpenAction (*) FilePrintAction (*) FilePrintSetupAction (*) FileSaveAction (*) FileSaveAsAction (*) FLoadingProject (-) FMainScriptInfo (-) FOptions (-) FPluginManager (-) FProcessedInputCommands (-) FProgressForm (-) FScenarioEditorForm (-) FTimeEvents (-) FTimeEventsIntf (-) FTraderStats (-) FTransactionsOverallStats (-) FVCLStandardFunctions (-) FVCLStandardObjects (-) FWorld (-) Help1 (*) HelpAboutAction (*) HelpCommandsAction (*) HelpContentsAction (*) HelpOptionsAction (*) ImageList (*) MainMenu1 (*) MinimizeAll1 (*) miPlugins (*) miTimerSpeed (*) N1 (*) N10Dayss1 (*) N1Days1 (*) N2 (*) N200Dayss1 (*) N20Dayss1 (*) N20Dayss2 (*) N3 (*) N40Dayss1 (*) N50Dayss1 (*) N5Dayss1 (*) N600Dayss1 (*) N80Dayss1 (*) New1 (*) Open1 (*) Options1 (*) Pause1 (*) PluginManager1 (*) PluginManagerAction (*) Print1 (*) PrintSetup1 (*) PropertyEditor1 (*) Save1 (*) SaveAs1 (*) ScenarioEditor1 (*) ScriptLog1 (*) SimulationControl1 (*) Start1 (*) StatusBar (*) StopReset1 (*) TileHorizontally1 (*) TileVertically1 (*) ToolBar1 (*) ToolBar2 (*) ToolBar3 (*) ToolBar4 (*) ToolBar5 (*) ToolButton1 (*) ToolButton10 (*) ToolButton11 (*) ToolButton16 (*) ToolButton17 (*) ToolButton18 (*) ToolButton19 (*) ToolButton2 (*) ToolButton20 (*) ToolButton21 (*) ToolButton26 (*) ToolButton27 (*) ToolButton28 (*) ToolButton29 (*) ToolButton3 (*) ToolButton4 (*) ToolButton5 (*) ToolButton6 (*) ToolButton63 (*) ToolButton64 (*) ToolButton65 (*) ToolButton66 (*) ToolButton7 (*) ToolButton8 (*) ToolButton9 (*) UPSTimer (*) WatchList1 (*) Window1 (*) WindowArrangeAction (*) WindowCascadeAction (*) WindowCloseAction (*) WindowMinimizeAllAction (*) WindowTileHorizontalAction (*) WindowTileVerticalAction (*) XPManifest (*) Methods Method Description ApplyAllEditorScripts (+) CloseMDIChildren (+) ControlsPauseActionExecute (*) ControlsStartActionExecute (*) ControlsStopActionExecute (*) ControlsStopResetActionExecute (*) ControlsTimerSpeedActionExecute (*) ControlsTimerSpeedChangeActionExecute (*) CreateArrayAnalizerForm (#) CreatePropertyEditorForm (#) CreateStandardScriptInformation (#) CreateWatchListForm (#) DoAfterCompile (#) DoLoadFromFile (#) DoOnScriptCompileErrors (#) DoOnScriptExecuteErrors (#) DoSaveToFile (#) DoShowHint (#) DoStartNewProject (#) DoUpdateFromCadencer (#) DoWorldInitialize (#) EditorsArrayAnalyserActionExecute (*) EditorsPropertyEditorActionExecute (*) EditorsScenarioEditorActionExecute (*) EditorsScriptLogActionExecute (*) EditorsSimulationControlActionExecute (*) EditorsWatchListActionExecute (*) FileExitActionExecute (*) FileNewActionExecute (*) FileOpenActionAccept (*) FilePrintActionAccept (*) FilePrintSetupActionAccept (*) FileSaveActionExecute (*) FileSaveAsActionAccept (*) FormClose (*) FormCloseQuery (*) FormCreate (*) FormShow (*) GenerateStandardScript (#) GetCadencer (-) GetCompanyFinancialStats (-) GetFMSUtils (-) GetMainScriptInfo (-) GetOptions (-) GetOrCreatePluginManagerForm (#) GetOrCreateScriptLogForm (#) GetOrCreateScriptLogForm_Intf (-) GetOrCreateSimulationControlForm (#) GetOrCreateSimulationControlForm_Intf (-) GetPCurrentFileName (-) GetProgressForm (-) GetPShortFileName (-) GetScenarioEditorForm (-) GetShortFileName (#) GetTransactionsOverallStats (-) GetVCLStandardFunctions (-) GetVCLStandardObjects (-) GetWorld (-) HelpAboutActionExecute (*) HelpCommandsActionExecute (*) HelpContentsActionExecute (*) HelpOptionsActionExecute (*) InitializeScriptInformation (#) IsKnownFormType (#) I_FMS_MainForm (-) I_FMS_MainForm (#) I_FMS_MainForm (-) I_FMS_MainForm (#) I_FMS_MainForm (#) I_FMS_MainForm (#) I_FMS_MainForm (-) I_FMS_MainForm (-) I_FMS_MainForm (-) I_FMS_MainForm (#) PluginManagerActionExecute (*) Reset (+) SetCadencer (-) SetCompanyFinancialStats (-) SetCurrentFileName (-) SetMainScriptInfo (-) SetOptions (-) SetPCurrentFileName (-) SetPluginManager (-) SetTransactionsOverallStats (-) SetWorld (-) UnMinimizeMDIChildren (#) UPSTimerTimer (*) WindowArrangeActionExecute (*) WindowCascadeActionExecute (*) WindowCloseActionExecute (*) WindowMinimizeAllActionExecute (*) WindowTileHorizontalActionExecute (*) WindowTileVerticalActionExecute (*) Properties Property Description ApplicationForm (*) Cadencer (*) CompanyFinancialStats (*) CurrentFileName (*) FMSUtils (*) MainScriptInfo (*) Options (*) PluginManager (*) ScenerioEditorForm (*) TimeEvents (*) TransactionsOverallStats (*) VCLStandardFunctions (*) World (*) Legend Symbol Visibility - Private # Protected + Public * Published A Automated S Strict FIMAS Class Tree Index Previous Next Copyright Alexander Federyakov aka Da Stranger Created with DelphiCodeToDoc. 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